Organic  Roofing Materials


This saturated felt is a uniform flexible felt of organic fibers, impregnated with an asphalt saturant. Guide lines have been placed on the top surface for easy alignment of asphalt shingles.

Roofing Felt Types Available:

#15 D226 Type I Roofing Felt

#30 D226 Type II Roofing Felt


#15 D4869 Type I Roofing Felt

#30 D4869 Type II Roofing Felt


#15 Standard Type I Roofing Felt (East Only)

#30 Standard Type II Roofing Felt (East Only)


#15 Non-Rated Type I Roofing Felt (East Only)

#30 Non-Rated Type II Roofing Felt (East Only)

Product Safety Data Download

ASFELT Roofing Felt Data Sheet
ASFELT Material Safety Data Sheet.pdf
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